Saturday, October 11, 2008

surprise is french for surprise

i received a shock to my system today while i was priming some sheets of masonite for painting class. i had my laptop playing my usual eclectic assortment of tunes, and my dad came to inspect my work. he became fixated in a toe-tappin' state, and an incredible look of approval came over him. he wanted to know what song i was playing. i informed him, "a mash-up of ACDC and Busta Rhymes." he nodded. it seemed to tickle his fancy, and i was surprised. he usually detests the "young peoples' music," but in this instance, he asked me if i could somehow get him a copy of the song.

reminds me of the time my mom expressed her like of a notorious big single.

1 comment:

Leah said...

lets hang out and prime sheets of masonite sometime