Saturday, May 9, 2009

from now on i go to chuckie cheese

last night i went to safari land, kinda like the ghetto chuckie cheese, for my boyfriend's cousin's 7th bIrThDaY pArTeEEee~~

so we had 50 tickets and we wanted to buy this back scratcher (lol..) but there was a really long line for some reason. well, eventually we realized that this grumpy old black guy was there with 5 of his white (?) kids and he had about 126853257 tickets to divided between all of them. o_o

after a few rude remarks from him ("i'd be able to finish if all these PEOPLE weren't standing in my way!") we eventually asked the ticket counter lady if we could just get our backscratcher REAL QUICK.

but that didn't go over well with old dude. "what makes you think you can do that?!?! what makes you think you can cut in line??!?!?! YOU NEED TO BACK UP! BACK UP!"

well, i accidentally dropped an fbomb in front of a mountain of kids, so we decided to give up and go bowling and come back once he wasn't there.


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